Ten tips to finding the perfect life coach

Every person needs a coach in their life, from world-famous athletes to top company CEOs. Successful people often have coaches who motivate them, help them plan and execute goals, and equip them with tools to face any challenge head-on.

finding the right coach

Often when we set out to do something, we are overcome by either self-doubt or the fear of failure. Our inner critic says “it is too late”, and we let that become our reality. A professionally trained Life coach can help you reach your true potential by holding you accountable for your transformation journey.

Life coaches with extensive training can ask the right questions that push and motivate you to find the right answers. Finding the right coach can be challenging because not all coaching programs are created equal. You need to find the right fit for you because your coach will be your friend, motivator, and teacher.

Here are ten things you need to know before hiring a Life Coach.

  • Understand what the different certifications in life coaching mean. ACC/PCC/MCC. Or just a certified teacher or coach through one of the coaching programs?
  • Understand how the coach learns in your initial conversation. Who are the mentors of the coach, and how many mentoring and training programs did they attend in the year?
  • Look for a fit. A coach who has an authentic and signature presence will challenge you and call you out in the sessions more than someone who conforms
  • A life coach that follows the ICF pathway has learned the various ICF competencies. It is like a chess player vs. an IM or a GM.
  • Understand the difference between a coach and a mentor/teacher. Is the person a motivational speaker or a coach? This will lead you back to the first question, on what coaching techniques and tools he follows
  • Always meet three life coaches and have a one-hour meet and greet before deciding who is the right fit for you.
  • Look for someone with a multicultural and diverse experience so that they can bring in different perspectives on the table for you to consider and understand
  • Look up the coach’s website and see if the life purpose of the coach resonates with you.
  • Ensure you have the budget in mind as life coaching can range from 200-1000 sgd based on the experience and seniority of the coach
  • Understand in your meet and greet session, whether your reason for finding a life coach is something that falls under the purview of the life coach and whether or not he has had similar coaching experiences before
things you need to know before hiring a Life Coach


Picture of Pooja Bagri

Pooja Bagri

I empower individuals and teams to define and achieve lasting success in all dimensions of life.

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