The first step to growth is to have a goal. And then to make it a habit of achieving your goals! At first it may seem daunting and in some cases unorthodox. Yet, there comes a point where everything that was a goal or a challenge is not so anymore. And that is because you choose to not look at it as such! And that is what defines how you can attain success.
Successful people cannot stay in a zone of comfort for too long purely because their need for growth is what sets them apart”
So how do you begin your path to success.
1.Seek challenges
While challenges deter the common person that takes to flight or freeze, the determined actively go out to seek a challenge. They choose to make the seemingly impossible possible by looking at ways in which to create solutions and envision success. They continue to search for answers till the challenge is no longer a ‘challenge’. For in their perspective a challenge is nothing but an ‘opportunity’ for growth or freedom!
2.Choose to see…
In a classroom of 20 students with the same teacher, each student could have a different level of takeaway, a different yearning for new knowledge based on what he has been taught and a different understanding. One of the key qualities of success is to choose to see only the possibilities and not the problems. Therefore the minute you are presented with a task, train your mind to choose to see the different ways in which to make it work as opposed to the ways in which it wont! In essence, choose to see the positives as what you choose to see is what you will get!
3.Finish what you start
“ There are better starters than me but I’m a strong finisher.” said Usain Bolt. And this says it all. If you want success, don’t ever quit. Because as we all know, when the going gets tough, the tough get going! And that just about stands true for every person who has risen to the top.To never quit believing or trying, but just simply find a different way to get to the finishing line. To attain success you need to see things through the end and not shirk from responsibility or challenge!Searching Questions ..
Have you been feeling that you’re very good at what you do now?
Do you feel everything you do comes to you with ease?
Do you feel that your learning curve has become stagnant?
How do you react when someone asks you to take responsibility that is not necessarily yours?